Gestão de Carreira 
Career Management;

Marketing Musical
Music Marketing;

Inbound Marketing; 

Planejamento Estratégico 
Strategic Planning;

Gestão de Fanbase 
Fanbase Management;

Gestão Criativa 
Creative Management.
One of the biggest stars in forró. It's been 21 years of a career with over 5 million records sold.

Only with many miles on the road, countless hours on stage, with determination and courage, he became a miracle worker first at home. He conquered his own land before captivating the entire country.

One of the most significant artists in the Brazilian music scene, Xand Avião is a powerhouse that emerged in the Northeast, broke through borders, and became a national idol.
Throughout his twenty-one-year career, he has sold over five million records, gathered more than 9 million listeners on streaming platforms, and solidified his position with hits like "Faz o X", "Inquilina", "Casal Raiz", "Algo Mais" and "De mãos atadas", which entered the top100 of the Billboard chart in its release week. He also boasts successes like "Balanço na rede", which lingered at the TOP1 spot on the most-played songs on Spotify Brazil Charts for over two weeks.
Xand Avião

Xand Avião


Creative Fields